Bifid rib. Bifurcated rib.
rib anomolies
Permanent link to archive for 12/13/04. Monday, December 13, 2004
Bifid Rib
rib anomolies
abnormalities of form
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Permanent link to archive for 3/2/04. Tuesday, March 2, 2004
Another contributor to this weblog believes bifid rib might occur in 1 - 2 % of the population.
Of that maybe 10% have sequelae, consequences, resulting symptoms that interfere with
quality of life. Anatomical diagrams may illustrate the bifid rib but not show bifid rib to the
degree of abnormality interferring with good functioning. The width of separation of the joints
at the sternum, how widely it branches would be considered in a proper diagnositic workup.
Permanent link to archive for 2/27/04. Friday, February 27, 2004
Thank you so much Don. I need not go in for a CT Scan, right?
Are there any precautions I need to take? Should I avoid chest exercises and pushups?
Do consult a physiatrist. Get imaging.
I am 28. An X-Ray just revealed that I have a bifid rib.
Could it be because of tumor or its just a birth-defect that I never noticed?
Permanent link to archive for 2/26/04. Thursday, February 26, 2004
I am 28. An X-Ray just revealed that I have a bifid rib.
Could it be because of tumor or its just a birth-defect that I never noticed?
Thank you for your interest !
Bifid rib is a birth defect not a tumor.
An exception is that there is linkage within
Gorlin's nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
cysts of jaws which have a tendency
to undergo malignant transformation to cancers.
Permanent link to archive for 2/16/04. Monday, February 16, 2004
Find a physiatrist in your area
Permanent link to archive for 2/15/04. Sunday, February 15, 2004
physical therapist
Permanent link to archive for 2/10/04. Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Neuroskeletal anomolies.
Neurormuscular consequences.
Spinal anesthetic
Permanent link to archive for 2/1/04. Sunday, February 1, 2004
Skeptical clinicians have been dismissive of patients presenting bifid rirb having
neurophysiological consequences of the bifid rib. The difficulty with that is the misplaced skepticism.
That skepticism would more appropriately be directed to the broad moalities of
diagnostic practices that are dismissive of bifid rib. What are the
newer diagnostic practices that would encompass a better patient evaluation?...
Permanent link to archive for 1/13/04. Tuesday, January 13, 2004
The practice of summarily dismissing bifid rib patients resembles the
circumstances of the Milgrim experiment
I want the problem accepted as a problem so that it is not dismissable.
Superior view of a bifid rib where the superior component of this 3rd rib is supernumerary
and articulated with the lateral aspect of the 1st sternebra and the bottom of the sternum.
The illustration in Grants anatomy understates the problem
by reason of the rather small separation of the two costal joints.
It appears they want to present the clinical entity without implying there's
an associated physical problem.
Permanent link to archive for 12/22/03. Monday, December 22, 2003
Please arrange for more attentive care with regard to the bifid rib or bifurcated rib
that has hampered my neurophysiological activities and respiration.
Physical therapy would mitigate some of the consequences of bifid rib
or bifurcated rib.
The relationship of bifid rib or bufurcated rib to functional control
of breathing is suppressed and denied routinely by clinicians.
Permanent link to archive for 10/7/03. Tuesday, October 7, 2003
How can clinical modalities be improved that bifid rib would not be dismissed ?...
Permanent link to archive for 6/30/03. Monday, June 30, 2003
My son had an unexplained bump on his chest and had an x-ray this
morning. The doctor who read the x-ray said that it suggested a
Bifurcated rib. He did not explain what this meant. He is not my
regular doctor, to whom my wife is bringing the x-ray tomorow.
What exactly is this, and is it something to be conserned about?
Permanent link to archive for 6/13/03. Friday, June 13, 2003
My son (3 yrs old) was just diagnosed with Bifid rib.
We noticed the ridge in his chest (upper left side)
while cleaning him up after playing.
It was confirmed via xray.
Any information you could provide would be appreciated.
We're just starting to gather information.
Permanent link to archive for 5/16/03. Friday, May 16, 2003
Three months ago, my son complained that a bigger boy at school was
squeezing him very hard from behind and complained that his chest hurt,
when we looked he had developed a hard lump on his chest,
we took him to our local hospital, after x-rays and ultra sounds,
they informed us that his right fifth rib is bifid.
We were offered no other information, other than this is a deformity,
but it shouldn't affect him doing anything.
We were told however, that he would have been born with this and we
have just never noticed it before.
We totally disagree that he didn't have this lump prior to three
months ago, whether it was caused but the squeezing or not.
My son is only 5 years old.
I would appreciate any information, as I am finding it difficult
getting anywhere with this.
Also for his benefit I would just like to be able to answer any
questions my son might have as he grows.
i.e. Will the lump grow bigger as he grows, can he build the other
side of his chest up so it won't look different.
Many thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Permanent link to archive for 3/3/03. Monday, March 3, 2003
a. What does that mean?... upper right ribs
b. When does it hurt?
What movements, what activities does he attempt to perform that produce pain?...
c. What is his stamina?..
Is he able to perform aerobic exercises such as
running middle to long distances?...
d. Rapid activities?... for example
multiple spins in figure skating?...
multiple spins in ballet?...
e. Has he ever complained of difficulty, for example
reading rapidly?...
sight reading music?...
performing fast music?...
Empathy from most medical consultants may be lacking.
Try a physical therapist for an evaluation.
A better objective observation and examination is probably from a physical therapist.
Bifid rib is often associated with
other skeletal abnormalities
other malformations
Appropriate evaluation should include isolation of the source of pain.
These associations are often referred to as a syndrome.
If the response to some of the questions is positive it would tend to
confirm bifid rib in itself causes significant impairment of function.
Permanent link to archive for 1/29/03. Wednesday, January 29, 2003
My son was diagnosed with a bifid rib at the age of 7,
he is now 18 and although there has been no serious problems with his rib,
he often says that it gives him pain or discomfort,
is this something that should be discussed with a specialist
or is it just a common symptom that we should not be concerned about.
When he was diagnosed, nothing much was said about this condition,
so we know little about it, any advice would be greatfully received.
His condition affects his upper right ribs.
Permanent link to archive for 12/14/02. Saturday, December 14, 2002
. integrated
. static
. nerves
. vascular
. inability to function at the high level is impaired
. not wanting to examine the patient
. subject is off limits
Permanent link to archive for 12/12/02. Thursday, December 12, 2002
See pages 73 and 74 the last 2 pages at
Permanent link to archive for 10/30/02. Wednesday, October 30, 2002
WHen I was pregnant I had a single umbilitial artery,
and my plecenta became detached during child birht.
My daughter was born with a large dimple on her coccyx, but it is closed.
A couple of days ago she had an X-ray to look at her chest becauses she has a
large hard lump. They said her fifth rib is bifid.
Could all these things be related?
They are sending her to an orthopedic who specializes in scoliosis and Spina Bifida.
Permanent link to archive for 10/24/02. Thursday, October 24, 2002
Orthoses. Orthotics.
Permanent link to archive for 12/5/01. Wednesday, December 5, 2001
Bifid ribs alone don't carry any special visceral connotations,
but if the anomaly is part of some other chest deformity,
such as pigeon breast or kyphoscoliosis,
that would be the issue around which clinical decisions would have to be oriented.
Whether to do anything now,
even if the deformity itself justifies it, is a real issue,
since this 14 year old is likely still growing.
Permanent link to archive for 11/29/01. Thursday, November 29, 2001
Bifid ribs, themselves, are usually not a health problem.
It sounds as if this patient has a chest wall deformity that is beyond just a bifid rib.
I can't offer an opinion about how to treat the chest wall deformity.
As far as bifid ribs go, they are seen in Gorlin syndrome but are also common in the general population.
I would look at this patient and both parents for the presence of palmar pits, basal cell carcinomas,
and dental abnormalities including jaw cysts.
You might consider looking at X-rays for spina bifida occulta and calcification of the falx cerebri.
Are there any medical/physical implications involving bifid ribs?...
Saw a 14 yo female in office today with noticeable L chest wall mass, subsequent radiographic diagnosis.
What is next step, medically or surgically,
as this is rather visible despite adjacent breast tissue that provides some disguise?...
References. Bifid rib. Bifurcated rib.
Send along any other references!...$73$30?mode=day
Permanent link to archive for 1/3/01. Wednesday, January 3, 2001
Add your bifid rib comment, suggestions, questions, drawings, photography, radiography and ...
Submit requests, web link pointers and ...
1. Bifid rib or bifurcated rib neurophysiology, anatomy, physiology?...
2. Examples of treatments?...
3. Research?...
4. Specialists, subspecialists, researchers, etc. ?...
5. Related research?...
6. Hints, tips, pointers?...
7. Database and web searching hits?...
Permanent link to archive for 12/13/00. Wednesday, December 13, 2000
Bifid rib. Bifurcated rib.
1. Neurophysiological effects...
2. Diagnostic protocols...
3. Shame. Patient-doctor relationship...
4. Surgical...
5. Physical therapy...
6. Experts...
7. Literature...
Last update: Monday, December 13, 2004 at 5:17:21 AM - BifidRib