[CrackMonkey] How about that John McCain?

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Wed Feb 2 12:54:59 PST 2000

begin  Deirdre Schmeirdre quotation:
> > Templates are what made me realize that C++ was a very poor
> > implementation of object-orientation.
> Not really -- templates are only necessary because C and C++ are
> early rather than late bound. Objective-C, for example, which is
> late-bound, doesn't use templates.

	Right, exactly.  I kept looking for how languages like
smalltalk and CLOS did templates, and couldn't find it.  I was
eventually told exactly what kind of low-down dirty hack they are by
an old Modula hacker on Usenet.  I used to have his rant in my home
directory on eskimo.  I wonder if any of that is still there.

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