[CrackMonkey] [BugGirlX@aol.com: [sf-caco] Let them Eat Cake]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Feb 2 17:35:12 PST 2000

	Crazy!  The Bug Girl is a Cacophonist!  I've seen her 'round
Haight once.  She hollered out something monosyllabic that could have
been "Nick!".  I turned around.  She scowled and spat "NOT YOU!" and I
kept walking.

----- Forwarded message from BugGirlX at aol.com -----

I just want to tell everyone that they can see "Let them Eat Cake" the
Cacophony event that took place near City Hall, on my Public Access
Show, this Friday at 10pm, on Channel 29.  I would like to apologize
in advance for the fact I didn't get the entire event on tape, only
the beginning.  I thought we had taped the entire event, but when I
reviewed the footage I found only the beginning.  This is a mystery,
but please tune in anyway to see the costumes.  Please email me if you
have any questions.  The show is called The Bug Girl Show, and it is
on every first Friday of the month at 10pm.

Laurel Davies

"If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn." 

The San Francisco Cacophony Society 

----- End forwarded message -----

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