[CrackMonkey] No Taxes

Emad El-Haraty elharaty at utdallas.edu
Thu Feb 3 11:54:59 PST 2000

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Seth David Schoen wrote:

> Accounting standards contain rules for assessing the value of computer
> software, and those rules would be applied to evaluate whether the claimed
> value of an in-kind donation is reasonable.
> Whether those standards are fair is another question.  For instance,
> Microsoft is presumably getting tax deductions for the value of each
> copy of Windows it donates to a 501(c)(3) organization.  The argument
> would be that those copies have a "value" which is transferred from
> Microsoft to the recipient of the donation.  (But the means of transfer
> are very, very indirect.  It's actually a matter of "Microsoft
> hypothetically loses potential revenue in exchange for promising not to
> sue the recipient for using its software" -- is that really a "donation"?)
Reading about Microsoft `donating' 300 Million dollars is what got me
thingking. I too have lost potential customers by giving them
10 licenses each worth 5k.

 Emad El-Haraty
	If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.

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