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Mr. Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Thu Feb 3 11:31:55 PST 2000

>>>>> "SDS" == Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> writes:

    SDS> A reason not to go to the Metreon: we live right here and go
    SDS> there a lot.  It is perhaps nicer not to have the security
    SDS> guards there mad at us for the future.

Seth, you namby-pamby! What's up with that?! "I'm scared to make the
security guards mad!" We're not going to PHYSICALLY ATTACK them, we're
just going to hand out fliers on the sidewalk!

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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