[CrackMonkey] No Taxes

Mike Goldman whig at by.net
Thu Feb 3 12:18:53 PST 2000

Emad El-Haraty wrote:

> I think I just figured out how to never pay taxes again.
> Please review.
> My idea is as follows, start a company with yourself as the
> sole proprieter. Sell your software product for an exorbitant
> amount. It does not matter if no one ever buys it. Donate
> a large amount of software liscenses to various non-profit
> organizations. Receive a huge tax deduction.

No way that will stand up to scrutiny.  If you file a return and claim
as many deductions as income, you're likely to be prosecuted for tax
fraud and all kinds of nasty things will happen.

The more significant question is whether you have taxable income in the
first place.  If you don't, you aren't required to file a return,
obviously, and you don't need any deductions.  If you do, perhaps you
can rearrange your affairs in such a way as to eliminate all taxable
income.  Thus you need never pay taxes again.  This is left as an
exercise for the reader.

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