[CrackMonkey] Tell The World About Your Information Rights -- Friday, 2/4/2000

Mr. Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Fri Feb 4 12:25:26 PST 2000

>>>>> "SDS" == Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> writes:

    SDS> See why it's difficult to answer questions from the public at
    SDS> these protests?  "Well, this gar in Norway gar gar this
    SDS> program which gar gar gar gar gar gar gar gar Germany, and
    SDS> the guy in Norway gar gar gar gar Germany wrote it gar
    SDS> gar gar demonstrate something gar gar gar gar gar gar gar
    SDS> other programmers gar gar gar gar gar gar gar gar DVD on
    SDS> Linux gar... but gar gar gar gar gar gar gar gar gar in
    SDS> Germany gar gar technical information gar gar gar gar gar
    SDS> other intentions."

OK, but why would you ever say that?

        "The MPAA is TRAMPLING your CIVIL RIGHTS to watch movies that
        you BOUGHT on YOUR computer in the privacy of your own home!

        "You'd THINK that after you plunked down $29.95 for the 'Wild
        Wild West' DVD starring Will Smith and Kenneth Brannagh, you
        could do -anything- you wanted with that damn disc: eat
        gorgonzola and Ritz crackers off it, put it in your
        underpants, and >gasp< even play it on the computer of your

        "But NO! That's not the case! The MPAA wants to say where,
        when, how, and why you watch their movies. It's wrong, it's
        unfair, and it's got to stop."

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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