[CrackMonkey] snooty brits

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Sat Feb 5 15:57:10 PST 2000

Sometimes I forget just how obnoxious the folks in Bush House can be.

	One of the studio BBC ganks was interviewing a woman about the
year of the Dragon.  She told him all of the various symbols and
opposing luck years and all that.  She was a boisterous personality,
and came across very well on radio.

	After the iterview, he said "that was <mumble mumble> on Feng
Shui and I believe every word of it." as if to say "Ha-ha!  Look at
the quaint Orientals and their backward superstitions!"

	Fortunately, the foreign correspondents and roving reporters
aren't as rude as the ones who spend all their time in the studios.

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