[CrackMonkey] Choose Your Irony

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Tue Feb 8 15:44:28 PST 2000

begin  Don Marti Lives Three Hours from Nowhere quotation:
> No, it got covered by either the "Norway: the 51st state" sticker or
> the "Vidkun Quisling Is Alive And Well, Working for the MPAA, and
> Using GIFs" sticker.

	I will summon my unholy army of Belgians if you're not
careful!  Belgians are particularly nasty because they're 1/3 Flemish,
which is like MUTANT DUTCH, and 1/3 French, which itself is like 1/2
surrender and 1/2 acrid indignance.

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