[CrackMonkey] This is a very very good thing.

Craig McPherson craig at laceyonline.com
Wed Feb 9 18:09:53 PST 2000

As I stated, I didn't write it.  Open Source Man did. Yes, I helped
to inspire parts of it, as did Grits Guy and many others, but it's
a true work of Open Source Man genius.  I will e-mail your comments
to him, though.

I don't actually really care for Natalie Portman.  However, she's
good for name recognition.  Unfortunately, Natalie Portman is much
more recognizable to most netizens than more interesting women such
as Ms. Mae Ling Mak.  But Natalie Portman has mass-market appeal.

Also, Open Source Man is a fan of her.  I've taken some ribbing from
him because Natalie Portman isn't my favourite person in the entire
world.  Oh well, you can't please everybody.


1.  Think before you write, and maybe you can stop looking foolish.
2.  Blow it out yer arse.
3.  __BLOW__IT__OUT__YER__ARSE!!__

Have a great day.  Peace.

On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 08:23:41PM -0500, Robert Edmonds wrote:
> dear lord that's disturbing! don't you have anything better to do than fantasize
> about natalie portman and post your intellectual masturbation spew here? that's
> -- 
> Robert Edmonds
> stu at novare.net
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Craig McPherson
craig at laceyonline.com

"Science is a scam; a crutch for weak-minded people."

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