[CrackMonkey] This is a very very good thing.

Morgan J morgan at netizen.com.au
Wed Feb 9 19:06:07 PST 2000

In article <20000209200953.A5410 at laceyonline.com>, Craig McPherson wrote:
>I don't actually really care for Natalie Portman.  However, she's
>good for name recognition.  Unfortunately, Natalie Portman is much
>more recognizable to most netizens than more interesting women such
>as Ms. Mae Ling Mak.  But Natalie Portman has mass-market appeal.

Thats crap.  A quick office poll here shows that, in fact, most
Netizens recognise Mae Ling Mak (due to our large collection of
inflatable MLM merchandise) while the concept of Natalie Portman simply
leaves them confused and witless.


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