[CrackMonkey] To the slashdot trolls

Peter Peterson II pedro at zork.net
Thu Feb 10 21:12:52 PST 2000

begin  Warren Mann quotation:
> Oh really?!  Who'd you steal that from?  Or maybe you traded it to some 
> junkies for a couple of rocks?  Of course, you're obviously smoking the 
> stuff too. Didn't you ever hear the phrase, "don't get high on your own 
> supply?"

> "I know I am, but what are you?"

> [insert two complete unremarked emails]


Didn't you ever hear the phrase, "trading junkies rock for a baby
doesn't make sense, even in a Warren Mann post?"

Also, it's "I know you are, but what am I." I'd ask how it is you 
don't know that, but...

...you can't seem to operate your mail client properly, so I guess I
shouldn't be surprised that you can't quote a cliche without messing
it up.

P. A. Peterson II -- pedro at zork.net

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