[CrackMonkey] To the slashdot trolls

Warren Mann broken at warmann.com
Thu Feb 10 21:24:23 PST 2000

Peter Peterson II verbally excreted:

> Yo warmann, what are you going to provide them with? I don't have to

That isn't my problem.  I imagine they will set up a sting operation, using
a midget FBI agent disguised as a fifth grader.

> look any further than Crackmonkey's archives.

I can do you one better... tell them to call me, I'd like to give them a
personal message!  This could be the best thing that ever happened to me!  I
will be hired as a Publicity Special Forces team-leader! Natalie Portman and
I will probably end up breeding and she will give birth to several gorgeous
daughters!  They will travel around the world and win several gorgeous
daughter awards.  They will be so popular world-wide they will even
penetrate the Japanese automotive industry!

Thanks Pete!

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