[CrackMonkey] Re: A cool problem

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Sun Feb 13 21:33:15 PST 2000

begin  Seth David Schoen quotation:
> > 	The only conversation is "We all answer RED!".
> But that's not enough to convince other people that this is an
> optimal strategy.

	The problem wasn't one of diplomacy.

> If this behavior of "anyone with half a brain" is based on exposure
> to your argument, why hasn't the adversary been exposed to your
> argument?
> If this behavior is based on human nature or natural reason, why
> would the adversary be unaware of it?

	Because you yourself said that the adversary would use what
was decided upon in order to maximize killing.  You never said that
the adversary would use eavesdropping *and* common sense.

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