[CrackMonkey] Re: A cool problem

Ben benb at netins.net
Sun Feb 13 22:16:04 PST 2000

Monkey Master wrote:
> begin  Seth David Schoen quotation:
> > Monkey Master writes:
> > >     We all agree to answer red.  The first person, upon seeing
> > > that all the hats are blue will answer "BLUE!" and hope that
> > > everybody gets the hint all the way down the line.  Most people
> > > will see many blue hats and probably figure it out.
> >
> > Remember that the adversary can hear this conversation. :-)
>         The only conversation is "We all answer RED!".  The idea that
> the enemy arranges all blue hats is based on their maximization of
> damage based on our conversation.  Yet anyone with half a brain seeing
> a row full of blue hats would realize what has happened and shout
> blue.

Now you are assuming that the adversary is stupid. If they aren't, and
that is your plan, they will do it randomly, and you will only save half.

>         This is just taking into account the fact that the enemy is as
> predictable as any of the other factors (for example the enemy won't
> put on  ambiguously colored hats, as Morgan suggested).

I don't think that the enemy is predictable.

Ben (latebird at usa.net) (http://www.netins.net/showcase/benssite/index/)
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