[CrackMonkey] witty c++ text

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Fri Feb 18 12:21:11 PST 2000

On Fri, Feb 18, 2000 at 11:42:04AM -0800, Mr. Bad wrote:

> Oh, please. I'll let a Canuck lecture to me about high-quality
> burritos the day they pry the salsa verde squirt bottle out of my
> cold, dead hands.

You're making me hungry. 

Anyone else read _City_ by William Whyte?  He examined companies that
moved from New York City to Westchester Co. or Connecticut, and found 
that their stocks did much worse than those of companies that stayed 
in the city.  Maybe being in the city makes employees smarter and 
more likely to get new ideas from people they run into randomly.

I don't remember if Whyte mentions burritos specifically though.

Don Marti                 Burn all GIFs: http://burnallgifs.org/ 
dmarti at zgp.org                 Linux rules: http://srom.zgp.org/ 
http://zgp.org/~dmarti          You know you want this software:
whois DM683            http://zgp.org/~dmarti/warez/decss.tar.gz 

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