[CrackMonkey] Weird irony of the week

Mr. Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Tue Feb 22 11:15:39 PST 2000

>>>>> "DS" == Deirdre Saoirse <deirdre at deirdre.net> writes:

    >> begin Seth David Schoen quotation: > "Gould, S. J."  > > Think
    >> about it.
    >> Is this some amusing etymology of the name "Gould" that makes a
    >> Jesuit one particularly ironic?

    DS> Stephen Jay Gould?

    >> I know that Gould is a common surname for those of Semitic
    >> descent.  Is it somehow related to that?

So, is this DRAMATIC irony, or the lesser-known SOCRATIC irony?

I'm just a little confused, because the Secret and Mystical Orderamus
Jesuiticus has had written records describing experiments with
evolution since Babylonian times.

~Mr. Bad 

 Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org> | http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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