[CrackMonkey] Lindsey Graham

Bob Bernstein bobbern at delphi.com
Wed Feb 23 11:44:41 PST 2000

On Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 09:25:04AM +0000, Mike Goldman wrote:

> The only thing to do in the present circumstance is abstain.  Participation
> connotes acceptance of the process, and hence consent to the result.

Silence is affirmation. Non-participation connotes acceptance of the result
whatever it is.

> Fuck 'em. Stay home and hack on mailman instead.

I understand the sentiment, truly...this from a former card-carrying member
of the Northern Student Movement. On the federal level, apart from making
the grade as a "known narcotics addict," that is my greatest credential!

Bob Bernstein
at                      This is Bob's OpenBSD 2.6 machine!
Esmond, R.I., USA            


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