[CrackMonkey] Lindsey Graham

Bob Bernstein bobbern at delphi.com
Wed Feb 23 13:30:56 PST 2000

On Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 07:52:26PM +0000, Mike Goldman wrote:

> Don't confuse non-participation with silence.  Not the same thing AT ALL.

Go ahead. Practice non-participation for ten or twenty years. See what it
leaves you with. You'll have the narcissistic satisfaction of having been
true to your little pet enthusiasms, and not much else. It wears thin. Trust

Stay home a lot. Pound out the email. Write a book or two. Teach a course
somewhere on the evils of the system <yawn>. Meanwhile the polis, blissfully
ignorant of your heart-felt convictions, will have passed you by; that is
the sense you will be left with. Having been passed by...

Bob Bernstein
at                      This is Bob's OpenBSD 2.6 machine!
Esmond, R.I., USA            


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