[CrackMonkey] FW: Greetings friends of Eazel!]

Evreka Embo eureka at zork.net
Fri Feb 25 11:24:16 PST 2000

Also, they have me to thank for their initial CNET article.  Paul
Festa of CNET called me asking if I knew where Erik Engstrom was
working now.  Rumor has it that Erik Engstrom, formerly of Microsoft,
now works for an early-stage Linux startup.  I looked into it for
Paul but no one seemed to know where Erik works, so I called Paul back
up and asked him if he had checked into Eazel--maybe Erik worked

"What's Eazel?" Paul asked.  I told him the story and gave him Bart
Decrem's number.  "Sounds like a good story," Paul said.


ps:  If anyone knows where Erik Engstrom works now, let me know.

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