[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: Re: [Pigdog] hams or turkeys since l984. These are the best]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Feb 28 18:36:45 PST 2000

	Mister Bad will not escape my forwarding of the funny bits to

	This was in response to a spam that reached pigdog-l

----- Mister Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org> -----

>>>>> "k" == kgCK30VJv  <kgCK30VJv at prodigy.net> writes:

    k> Treat yourself or loved ones to America's finest hams or
    k> turkeys since l984. These are the best quality and best tasting
    k> honey glazed-spiral sliced ready to serve hams and turkey
    k> breasts available.  Whole smoked and oven roasted turkeys also
    k> available.  We ship to all 50 states to your door. The perfect
    k> meal or gift.

Today's pigdog-l was brought to you by Shitty Mailorder Hams and
Turkeys, makers of America's finest greasy boxes of meat since all the
way back in 1984. Why not send your loved ones some high-quality BOXED
MEAT today? It makes the perfect meal or gift.

Bud: What's for dinner, Ma?
Sis: I'm hungry and insistent!
Father: After a long day of patriarchy, I am very hungry, also.
Mother: I am too exhausted after a the busy day of a modern woman to
        make some food. Wait, I know! I will make the perfect meal or
        gift, MAIL-ORDER MEAT. {beep beep boop} Hello, 1-800-MEAT-BOX?
        I would like to order some of your meat.
Operator: Why, certainly!

{8 business days later}

Mailman: {ding DONG} Here's your meat, ma'am! Sign here!
Mother: Oh, thank you! {calling family} Dinner's ready!
Ghost of Father: We are dead, from starving, because we had to wait so
        long for the meat box.
Mother: Ha ha ha! That's OK, because it also makes the perfect gift!

~Mr. Bad

P.S. Contact millions of customers through the power of the Internet!
For more information or pigdog-l advertising rate charts, contact
Tjames "Mad Dog" Madison, tjm000302 at aol.com.

----- End forwarded message -----

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