[CrackMonkey] [akl@aol.com: smithy tools]

Paul J Collins sneakums at eircom.net
Mon Sep 4 11:10:25 PDT 2000

>>>>> "Seth" == Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> writes:

    Seth> I've gotten altruistic spam before, urging me to accept
    Seth> Jesus as my savior.

I got mail recently urging me to accept some guy called Nicholas
Moffitt as my Lord and saviour.  After some consideration, I deleted
the message.

Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
 GPG: 0A49 49A9 2932 0EE5 89B2  9EE0 3B65 7154 8131 1BCD
"Love so deep, kills you in your sleep.  It's true!"

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