[CrackMonkey] Locating the funny bone.

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Sep 11 14:19:34 PDT 2000

----- Forwarded message from glen mccready <gkm at blackdown.org> -----
Forwarded-by: Nev Dull <nev at sleepycat.com>
Forwarded-by: "rob pike" <rob at plan9.bell-labs.com>
From: "Buzzwords", by May Berenbaum, p. 252.

Shammi and Stuss (1999) conducted a study of 21 patients with local
damage in specific areas of their brain, using a series of humor
appreciation tests and joke and story completion tests.  For example,
the patients were asked to read the setup of a joke and then select
among a choice of punchlines.  The investigation found that damage to
the right frontal lobe had the most profound effect on the ability to
appreciate humor.  Although appreciation of slapstick was
undiminished, the ability to pick out the right clever line was muted.
Thus, in one joke, a man asks his neighbor if he'll be mowing the lawn
on Saturday; the neighbor answers "yes," and what was generally
regarded as the clever punch line was for the first man to respond,
"Well, I guess you won't be needing your golf clubs."  Patients who
had sustained damage to the right frontal lobe preferred the outcome
in which, after the neighbor responds, "yes," the first man steps on a

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