[CrackMonkey] Tidbits from cracksmokers of the past

Edward C. Lang woot at zork.net
Tue Jan 2 07:48:01 PST 2001

I was reading a bit of Kafka in the wee hours of the morning, as is my
wont to do, when I perchanced upon two tidbits of utter, and complete,
mind blowingnessity, such that I, but a small mere mortal, found it
necessary to compose this letter; for, in the course of time, it will be
proven that I would, perhaps should, have gone crazy and run off into
the night, a night of endless fears.

One may argue convincingly, for there is nothing at all stopping one
from fully putting forward one's clearest thoughts, that I am making no
sense, should lay off the hash cookies, and go to bed, but I can only
offer this: Fuck off. (That last bit isn't very Kafkaesque, but I'm also
tired, and am growing weary of abusing language such that the very
reading of these sentances conveys lengthy trials and
tribulations). Enough!

Firstly: http://www.redrival.com/colbourne/newattorney.txt

Yes. Horse. Alexander the Great. Lawyers.

(This piece was written in early 1917, which, if my memory serves me
correctly, is about the time Franz was first diagnosed with

Secondly: http://www.redrival.com/colbourne/trees.txt

I like its brevity, its prempting postmodernism by discussing the idea
of reflex multiplicies, and something else which I can't quite recall at
the moment but involves a binary system and a French Thinker whose name
starts with D, and has a v in there somewhere.

I am going, in the morning, to take my sister off to her bus station to
catch a bus to the 15th Australian / 22nd Asia-Pacific Scout
Jamboree. As one usualy does.


woot at zork.net		woot on irc.openprojects.net irc.slashnet.org
				Stay Bad and Stay Crazy!
						 The lot of you!

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