[CrackMonkey] dos-apps.NOSPAM.txt

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Jan 2 18:01:27 PST 2001

	Yeah, suuuure.  

----- Forwarded message from John Washington <john at wash.demon.co.uk> -----

To: webmaster at zork.net
From: john at wash.demon.co.uk (John Washington)
Subject: Can you pls help me, your site is causing me to recv spam
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 20:49:29 +0000 (GMT)
X-Mailer: SNews 1.31+mods(jlw001216/386)

Hi, I hope that you can help me.  One of your pages,
//zork.net/pub/citadel/lmail/dos-apps.txt is not only 4
years out of date, it is causing me to receive spam.

In that old version, there are several refs to mail addresses
at my domain, wash.demon.co.uk.  I have recently received
information that confirms that a spammer obtained those
addresses by doing a search on Google and scanning your

If you need help getting an updated copy, I'll be glad to

-- John Washington --

----- End forwarded message -----

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