[CrackMonkey] I don't want to get off on a rant but

0 0 at pigdog.org
Wed Jan 3 21:22:24 PST 2001

>>>>> "Md" == Marco d'Itri <md at Linux.IT> writes:

    Md> I know about this feature.  But I will not give my lusers read
    Md> access to the whole file system either.

Hey, are you supposed to look all PC Week and shit with your
capitalized EYE TEE in your email address? Like, "LINUX: it's READY
for IT!"? Because it just looks dumb.

I hate IT. I hate all software professions, but I expecially hate
people who make money gibber-gabbering about the latest trends in
software. IT professionals eat the shit of system integration
consultants who eat the shit of tech media writers who eat the shit of
software company PR people who eat the shit of software company
management who eat the shit of software company developers who eat the
shit of True Hackers.

That is a lot of recycled shit, man.

IT professionals are mangy dogs who deserve nothing but kicks to the
belly. Acknowledging their existence does not befit a man.


| 0 at pigdog.org | http://pigdog.org/ | freenet:KSK@/mailbox/pigdog journal/0 |
|      "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself       |
+       without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine,         + 
|       receives light without darkening me." -- Thomas Jefferson           |

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