[CrackMonkey] I don't want to get off on a rant but

0 0 at pigdog.org
Thu Jan 4 11:06:01 PST 2001

>>>>> "BB" == Bob Bernstein <bob at ruptured-duck.com> writes:

    BB> Ah...another typical pigdogger chimes in with the mandatory
    BB> chorus of 'boy I'm so stupid I don't a country code from my
    BB> ass.'

Gee, Bernstein, I don't think I see you capping the COM in
"bob at ruptured-duck.com", do I? Because you DON'T.

You must work in IT or something. 


| 0 at pigdog.org | http://pigdog.org/ | freenet:KSK@/mailbox/pigdog journal/0 |
|      "He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself       |
+       without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine,         + 
|       receives light without darkening me." -- Thomas Jefferson           |

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