[CrackMonkey] London saved from shoe invasion

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Thu Jan 4 11:13:57 PST 2001

There are days when I really love nowhere-town newspapers.

Yesterday's _San Mateo Daily News_ had the following at the top of page
one, yesterday:

British Feared Visit by Shoe Afficionado Imelda Marcos

LONDON (AP) -- British diplomats were apprehensive about playing host to
"spoilt beauty queen" Imelda Marcos on a visit in 1970, but Queen
Elizabeth II helped smooth matters by granting an unprecedented
privilege, according to secret documents released yesterday.

Marcos was a powerful figure in the government of her husband, Ferdinand
Marcos, who ruled the Philippines for two decades until 1996.

The main purpose of her visit was to place her 12-year-old son,
Ferdinand Jr., known as Bong Bong, at the Worth Abbey prep school south
of London. [...]

Cheers,     "There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a 
Rick Moen   little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider
rick at linuxmafia.com  price only are this man's lawful prey." - J. Ruskin (attr.)

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