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Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Tue Jan 9 10:15:15 PST 2001

begin  Bob Bernstein quotation:
> >  	Is that one of those "new jokes" I keep hearing about?
> You have me at a loss, sir. 'New jokes?'

	Yeah, you know.  LIke, we tell the same old jokes over and
over, and then they come up with new ones over in Europe.  They come
over by tramp steamer in droves, and hit the East Coast, and from
there they trickle over to us poor slobs on the West Coast.

	It takes a while, but occasionally we are graced with new and
stimulating humor.

You are not entitled to your opinions.
	01234567 <- The amazing indent-o-meter!
        ^	    Matt McIrvin: the Nikola Tesla of tab damage.

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