[CrackMonkey] Stonehenge a fake!

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Jan 9 14:08:01 PST 2001

	Wowee!  Holy shit!  WHy hasn't Snatchmo found this out yet?

----- Forwarded message from Richard Morrell <rmorrell at valinux.com> -----

Heh... Nick... I found an article about Stonehenge in Times today
will scan it for you

Its been exposed as a fake !!! From 1898 when it was in private
hands.. No shit !!

They did ground radar it's man made - they've moved the stones into
position then it was "given to the nation". The stones bear no or
little resemblance to where they were pre 1898, they're even sitting
on concrete "boots" to support them.

What a sham !


----- End forwarded message -----

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