[CrackMonkey] try this

Mr.Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Tue Jan 9 19:00:19 PST 2001

>>>>> "BB" == Bob Bernstein <bob at ruptured-duck.com> writes:

    BB> You mean you weren't watching EACH and EVERY broadcast of
    BB> Chris Matthew's Hardball?

I prefer McLaugh-In.

"QUESTION, GENTLEMEN. How many shad does it take to make a
three-corner dimpled shad? ON THE LEFT, Jabba the Girbaud!"

"Gurble huzza guzza SO-LO deewa. Bahahaha!"

"WRONG! The answer is NO SHAD are used! We're talking about CHAD
here. You're all fired from your respective newspaper jobs. Shovel

~Mr. Bad

 /\____/\   Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org>
 \      /   Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ | *Stay*Real*Bad*
 |  (X \x)   
 (    ((**) "If it's not bad, don't do it.
  \  <vvv>   If it's not crazy, don't say it." - Ben Franklin

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