[CrackMonkey] Fwd: rick

Mr.Bad mr.bad at pigdog.org
Thu Jan 11 21:31:43 PST 2001

>>>>> "MM" == Monkey Master <monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org> writes:

    MM> It's no more a mystery than the plural of "milk".

OK, everyone is on half-rations for LFPs until the power crisis is

~Mr. Bad
    MM> 	01234567 <- The amazing indent-o-meter!  ^ Matt
    MM> McIrvin: the Nikola Tesla of tab damage.

This damn thing is broken. I want my money back and I will get my smog
check done at another authorized dealer.

 /\____/\   Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org>
 \      /   Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ | *Stay*Real*Bad*
 |  (X \x)   
 (    ((**) "If it's not bad, don't do it.
  \  <vvv>   If it's not crazy, don't say it." - Ben Franklin

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