[CrackMonkey] Fwd: rick

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Fri Jan 12 11:23:00 PST 2001

begin  Don Qi quotation:
> He used "snarky" the other day, thereby revealing his true Kanadista
> heritage.

	Haha.  YOu know, I'm a smug bastard so I'll brag here that I
actually coined the "Canadista" thing.

	My buddy phil was getting bounce messages on my box for a
mailing list hosted at tao.ca, so I send majordomo a "lists" command
there.  What I get back are a bunch of lists like the Lesbian
Werewolves Society and the Alien Abductors List (The short description
made it seem like it was about American spaceships abducting and
violating the human rights of various bug-eyed species "abroad").

	But the best one of all was "Northeastern Zapatistas".

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