[CrackMonkey] Perl

Ben Brockert benb at iastate.edu
Sun Jan 14 13:47:22 PST 2001

David Huggins-Daines wrote:
> Ben Brockert <benb at iastate.edu> writes:
> > Could one of you geniuses give me a hand?
> You're really just asking to get flamed, aren't you?  I mean, why else
> would you ask a really simple programming question on this list?

If you read Pgidog, you'd already know that I'm a fucking moron.

> Use the FAQ, dumb-ass.  Here's a hint, it's in perlfaq4(1p).

That's no fun at all.

> > My perl is ugly.
> Did you mean '[my perl] is ugly' or '[my], perl is ugly'?

If I meant "My, perl is ugly." I'd have said that.

> > And why did TPGTB[1] put ucfirst() in when tr/^[a-z]/[A-Z]/ does the same?
> Fucking hell, didn't you ever use sed(1) when you were a kid?  You
> should know that tr/// and s/// do different things and have totally
> different syntax.  That tr/// command works only by pure chance on
> your part.

Now the tr/// thing isn't working either. I posess magical powers of
fucking things up.

> Now, substituting 's' for 'tr' in that question, I suspect it's under
> the "why waste zillions of cycles and bytes compiling and executing a
> regular expression when you can just flip a bit in the first character
> of a string" rule.
> > [1] TPerlGodsTB



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