[CrackMonkey] Antitrust

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Jan 17 07:49:46 PST 2001


1) monopolies are all about sending thugs to beat coders up and
	videotape them coding.
2) women are all spies and props, and treacherous fiends-- geeks
	should not trust women!
3) if there's someone in your start-up of East Asian descent, he will
	be murdered by Oregonian hate patrols.  DO NOT HIRE HIM!
4) If you meet a Justice department agent who is of African descent,
	he is a MOLE.
5) broadcasting heavily-edited music-video style pastiches of murder
	scenes (with the CEO's head superimposed alongside the words
	"I AM A MURDERER") constitutes "evidence", and will bring the
	FBI to the CEO's door.
6) Open Source means "taking big proprietary software and illegally
	distributing source code".

You are not entitled to your opinions.
	01234567 <- The amazing indent-o-meter!
        ^	    Matt McIrvin: the Nikola Tesla of tab damage.

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