[CrackMonkey] Fw: [Evolution] Interview with Miguel de Icaza

Bob Bernstein bob at ruptured-duck.com
Fri Jan 19 18:11:16 PST 2001

Why are we trying to win users over from Windows? How will "more users"
translate into "better users"?

--- Forwarded Message ---
 From: Tim Hanson <tjhanson at home.com>
 To: evolution <evolution at helixcode.com>
 Sent: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 17:12:21 -0800
 Subject: [Evolution] Interview with Miguel de Icaza

"One of the top priorities, de Icaza says, is to develop relationships
with companies such as
hardware vendors, so that Open Source software can come pre-installed.
"We're trying to win
users over from Windows, and we're trying to get people to make the
choice for Free
Software," he says. "We need to have the tools for people to actually
make the choice, instead of saying, 'We don't have the resources to
train millions of users.' "

This is from News Forge:


"Ninety percent of the time things turn out worse than you thought they
would.	The other ten percent of the time you had no right to expect
that much."
		-- Augustine

evolution maillist  -  evolution at helixcode.com

Bob Bernstein				   Sent via
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Esmond, R.I., USA	       Gnome/Perl/Gtk/MySQL

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