[CrackMonkey] [root <root@sto-kerrig>] Debconf: Configuring Gnapster -- GTK-only (non-GNOME) version available

Paul J Collins sneakums at sto-kerrig.org
Sat Jan 27 09:08:43 PST 2001

# apt-get install no-aaronl-hackery

-------------------- Start of forwarded message --------------------
To: root at sto-kerrig
Subject: Debconf: Configuring Gnapster -- GTK-only (non-GNOME)
        version available
From: root <root at sto-kerrig>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2001 16:11:18 +0000

This note was sent to you because debconf was asked to make sure you saw it,
but debconf was running in noninteractive mode, or you have told it to not
pause and show you unimportant notes. Here is the text of the note:

As of version 1.4.0, a version of gnapster using only GTK, not GNOME,
is available in the gnapster-gtk package. If you want to keep the
GNOME version, then you don't need to do anything.

-------------------- End of forwarded message --------------------

Paul Collins <sneakums at sto-kerrig.org> - - - [         ]
 GPG: 0A49 49A9 2932 0EE5 89B2  9EE0 3B65 7154 8131 1BCD
"With a smile, trumpets and drums;
 The desire for meaning comes."

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