[free-sklyarov] Is it illegal to fax Free Dmitry flyers....

Alex Fabrikant alexf at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Aug 4 20:21:43 PDT 2001

On Sat, 4 Aug 2001, Larma, Mark wrote:
> ..to the US Atty. offices in the bay area?  I saw a bunch of fax numbers on
> this link:
> http://www.usdoj.gov/oarm/summer2001/USAO_NDCA.htm
> I didn't know if it would be considered harrassment or some other type of
> crime.  I suppose there are ways around this, such as faxing from Kinkos, or
> one of those mailbox places, etc.  

I do not speak with any legal authority, but I've been given to understand
that unsolicited faxing is rather strongly regulated at either state or
federal level (or both?); the one CA statute I know that once covered it
is now on shaky ground after having been ruled partially unconstitutional
(CA BPC 17538.4), but there are probably other laws in place as well. If
we are to stay safely on legal grounds, we should probably avoid sending
unsolicited faxes. I don't think there's likely to be much effect other
than annoyance from sending our propaganda to the USAO, so I would
strongly advise against this approach.


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