[free-sklyarov] song

brad young byoungvt at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 10 12:54:21 PDT 2001

Sung to Swing low sweet chariot:

please amend correct as needed....

Chorus 1:
Stoop low FBI agents
coming for to keep me from home

Chorus 2:
Stoop low Adobe Software
coming for to keep me from home

I came to US to speak at DefCon
Chorus 1
Just as I was heading to the Airport
Chorus 2
The FBI they arrested me
Chorus 1
They say I violated DMCA
Chorus 2
They hid me in jail, in Oklahoma
Chorus 1
For three weeks I was made their prisoner
Chorus 2
I was kept in jail without bail
Chorus 1
They keep me in US away from home
Chorus 2
THey say I violated DMCA

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