[free-sklyarov] Copyright as a restriction

Tom tom at lemuria.org
Thu Aug 23 04:29:27 PDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 09:46:36AM -0700, Jeme A Brelin wrote:
> I think the law is somewhat against us in the US, though.  I fear we may
> have to resort to using copyright against itself, ala GPL, in order to
> prevent the work from being co-opted by restrictive licensing schemes.  
> Perhaps this isn't necessary if we stick to the sort of work that
> generally remains in accessible form like the written word and music.
> Is this the sort of thing you were considering?

I would absolutely use the current copyright system. music published
through my service would be copyrighted - by the BAND, not the service,
and be subject to all the usual copyright restrictions.

of course, since it's published in .mp3, friends will send each other
copies. and that's fine and (at least here in germany) perfectly legal.
and I do believe it's not a danger to the band or service, because:

a) at the price I aim for (2 euro or $2 per album), the service could
easily compete with napster-like exchanges.

b) it means more publicity for the band which will very likely turn
into more (pre)orders for their next album.

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