[free-sklyarov] picketting Adobe?

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Jul 18 16:59:57 PDT 2001

Begin Eliab quotation:
> I can already see the slide presentation broadcast ont the side of the
> building.

	Haha.  Cute, but would probably require permission.

> anybody up for writing and distributing a small "ROT14" program?
> easy to crack, just shift 14.

	Cracking rot14 would be done by rotating by 12.  Most Unixes
come with a "caesar" program in /usr/games that does this for you.

You are not entitled to your opinions.
	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)

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