How to donate/EFF statement (was: Re: [free-sklyarov] how can we help ?)

Seth David Schoen schoen at
Thu Jul 19 00:38:56 PDT 2001

Chema Celorio writes:

> I tried searching the archives but they seem to not be working.
> I'd like to know if/when/how can I help out, let me know when
> a defense fund is opened to pitch in.

We had a meeting tonight in San Francisco which included some EFF staff.
I thought it was very productive.

One point from the meeting:

The EFF is attempting to provide assistance to Dmitry Sklyarov and his
colleagues, including legal representation.  You can support this work
and the EFF's other work against the DMCA by making a financial
donation to the EFF and indicating that your donation is for the "DMCA

Since the meeting, the EFF has also issued its official statement in
support of Sklyarov, and pledging to offer him legal support.  I include
the text of this statement below.

(Note that Mr. Sklyarov is not yet represented by the EFF; the EFF is
simply stating its intention to help him and to offer him legal

Statement on the Arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov

from EFF Executive Director Shari Steele

   Once again, the Digital Millineum Copyright Act (DMCA) is proving
   itself to be as harmful to civil liberties as we predicted it would
   be. The latest victim is a Russian programmer named Dmitry Sklyarov,
   who authored a program that permits editing, copying, and printing of
   electronic books by unlocking a proprietary Adobe electronic book
   Mr. Sklyarov has been brought up on criminal charges under the DMCA
   for distributing a product designed to circumvent copyright protection
   measures. This is different than the 2600 and Felten cases, which are
   civil lawsuits. In a civil lawsuit, one private citizen (or company)
   sues another for money and/or the cessation of a particular action. In
   a criminal case, the government brings charges against an individual
   (or company) and the punishment for conviction can be prison and/or
   EFF has been in contact with the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA)'s
   office trying to track Mr. Sklyarov's whereabouts and speak with him
   directly. While the arrest took place in Las Vegas, the complaint was
   executed in San Jose, meaning that Mr. Sklyarov will be sent to
   California to stand trial. We have spoken with his colleagues,
   criminal defense attorneys and others to help with his defense. After
   he arrives in California, our first order of business is to get Mr.
   Sklyarov out of jail on a bond pending his trial. EFF has begun to
   pull together a top-notch legal team to help him defend his right to
   talk about and distribute the Advanced eBook Processor software
   program, and we'll be ready to step in as soon as it is appropriate.
   EFF knew when we took on the 2600 Case over a year ago that fixing the
   DMCA would require several legal challenges. EFF remains committed to
   chipping away at this law until it no longer poses a threat to our
   right to free speech.
   Lest anyone be confused, this case is not about copyright
   infringement. Mr. Sklyarov is not accused of infringing anyone's
   copyrights. He is accused of building the Advanced eBook Processor, a
   tool that allows the legitimate purchaser of an e-book to translate it
   from one digital format into another (from Adobe's eBook format into
   Adobe's Portable Document Format). Mr. Sklyarov is not being
   prosecuted for using the tool himself -- in fact, such a prosecution
   would be impossible, since using such a tool (as distinguished from
   building or distributing one) breaks no law. Mr. Sklyarov has entered
   the strange Twilight Zone of the DMCA, where using a tool is legal,
   but building it is a crime.
   We invite your support. If you are not yet an EFF member, please join
   with us at If you already are a member and
   wish to make a donation, you can use that same link to get to our
   donation page.
   Together we will keep the pressure on anyone who chooses to degrade
   our basic rights. Thanks for your help.
   Shari Steele, EFF Executive Director
   July 18, 2001

Seth David Schoen <schoen at>  | And do not say, I will study when I
Temp.  | have leisure; for perhaps you will
down:   (CAF)  | not have leisure.  -- Pirke Avot 2:5

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