[free-sklyarov] Russian Consulate in SF

Anton Chterenlikht a.chterenlikht at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jul 19 11:12:51 PDT 2001

I've just spoken to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Nebyvaev in the Russian Consulati in SF. He is the person that should be contacted regading to this case. His answer is:

1. There was no!! denial from american side for the consulate employees to visit Dmitry. He says such a visit is being planned but since there are lots of bureacratic detailes involved this visit has not take place yet.

2. Russian side has no!! complaints at all regarding the case. Thay say that everything is going according to the federal law and all they can do is to wait.

3. I asked him if there is anything he would advise me (us (in the UK, in the USA and in Moscow)) to undertake. He told me that his opinion is that we can do whatever we want but he does not think it will have any effect.

I therefore ask those of you who will take part in any action (against Adobe or any other): be reasonable, do not exaggerate or distort the facts in any way. I'm deeply concerned that it might be even worse for Dmitry after all.

Finally, what happened with EFF site. I cannot connect to them.


Anton Chterenlikht
Research Assistant

Mechanical Engineering Department
Sheffield University
Mappin Street
Sheffield S1 3JD
Tel: (+) 114 2227863
Fax: (+) 114 2226015
Email: a.chterenlikht at sheffield.ac.uk

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