[free-sklyarov] a legal question...

Sam Phillips sam at dasbistro.com
Thu Jul 19 16:18:48 PDT 2001

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 02:43:06PM -0700, Brian Wilson wrote:
> 	I am not a lawyer, but since this is a criminal case and not a civil one, 
> does it really matter at this point whether or not Adobe asks this case to 
> be dropped? Isn't this something the justice system will decide?  Moreover, 
> what I'm asking, is that if we could get our way with Adobe, would it 
> matter, since the feds are involved pursuing him as a criminal, instead of 
> Adobe vs Dmitry in a civil matter.

IANAL, but as the accuser you can always decide to drop charges.  Look
at domestic violence cases, where spouses drop charges.

Sam Phillips <sam at dasbistro.com>                http://www.dasbistro.com
Reno                                                              Nevada

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