[free-sklyarov] Welcome to new subscribers; updates

David Cramer dacramer at home.com
Fri Jul 20 20:43:49 PDT 2001

Interestingly, the <http://usembassy.state.gov/> URL does not seem to 
lead to any possibility of contacting consulates in Canada by email. 
They are apparently protected from Canadians wielding dangerous 
emails. Strange, eh?

Somehow, I'm not optimistic about communication working by regular 
mail or telephone. Or perhaps being wanted by the FBI for 8 years for 
leaving the US in 1968 as a draft dodger has made me overly 
pessimistic. Any advice from other Canadians with an angle on this?



On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> wrote:

>If you are well-informed about the situation and would like to
>express your opinion, I think the following are appropriate
>(Please remember to avoid any abusive, harassing, or threatening
>messages, which hurt Mr. Sklyarov's cause!)
>* Adobe Systems, Inc.
>* Your U.S. Representative or Senators (if you are in the U.S.)
>* The U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or Interests Section for the place
>where you live (if you are not in the U.S.)
>* The U.S. Attorney General
>* The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California
>* The legal and technical media, and the local media for the place
>where you live -- if they are not yet aware of the situation
>* Your local newspaper (you can write a letter to the editor)

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