[free-sklyarov] Dmitry filk by Savitzky! [steve@theStarport.org: [svlug] Dmitry and DMCA (protest song)]

Andrew Lawrence ausage at ausage.com
Mon Jul 23 01:02:13 PDT 2001

> This document has been encrypted with TITE (Triple Invertible Transform
> Encoding) by encrypting with ROT13, exclusive or with the text of the
> U.S. Constitution, and byte-by-byte subtraction from the contents of the
> file /dev/zero, followed by the same operations in reverse order for
> additional security.

I hope you applied for a patent on this is.  I am sure the US Patent office 
will grant one since in thirty years of computer programming I have never 
seen such a unique device in encryption technology. I would hate to seen some 
large corporation steal your idea to protect their electronic documents. :-)

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