[free-sklyarov] PLEASE No Mitnick Comparisons!!!

Klepht klepht at eleutheria.org
Tue Jul 24 19:24:41 PDT 2001

>>>>> "h" == hackhawk  <freesk at hackhawk.net> writes:

    h> Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but the following statement is a
    h> very negative reference in my mind.

    DM> just as irate hackers once defaced websites with "Free Kevin"
    DM> slogans -- a reference to convicted hacker-hero Kevin Mitnick
    DM> -- some seem to be doing the same now with Sklyarov.

Well, it's the truth, so there's no reason for Declan not to put it in
his article. Remember that despite his sympathy with our cause, he's a
journalist, not a propagandist. He's not obliged to leave out details
of this case in order to convert people to our cause.

You should also note that he didn't compare Dmitry to Kevin, but the
site defacements in support of Dmitry with those in support of Kevin.

    h> I believe that there is a far wider range of supporters for
    h> Dmitry.

That's true. There are two ways to look at this:

1) Having hackers and the word "hacker" involved with this movement is
   bad publicity and we should discourage it as much as possible.

2) There's a very large hacker community out there, which is
   increasingly active and vocal. Most are very intelligent, and many
   are well versed in the fine points of computer law and the
   DMCA. They are an important part of the overall Free Dmitry

I completely understand the misgivings of some people around
hacktivist involvement, but personally I think there's good numbers in
the hacker world. At least where legal means are used (such as joining
in protests), we should welcome the help.


klepht at eleutheria.org

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