[free-sklyarov] Abode Unlimited and the book box lock

Andrew Lawrence ausage at ausage.com
Thu Jul 26 17:15:59 PDT 2001

Abode Unlimited and the book box lock

Chapter 1.

Once upon a time there was a company called Abode Unlimited.  Abode Unlimited 
had a very goody business make the quills and inks that all the scribes used 
to copy down books for the authors.  Then someone invented the printing press 
and the scribe were afraid.  What would happen if someone copied their books 
with a printing press.  Books would become so plentiful and cheap that the 
scribes might have no more business.

But Abode Unlimited was smart.  They made a special box.  You could put a 
books into the box and no one could take them out with out a special key.  

Abode Unlimited to the scribes, "When you sell a book, sell it through us and 
we will protect your book."

Puzzled the scribes asked, "How will you do that?"

Abode Unlimited replied, "Well first we will give everyone a box and bolt it 
to the floor of their house.  When someone buys a book, we will take to their 
house and put it in their box.  Every book will be locked into the box and 
attached by a chain so no one can take it way."

The scribe then asked, "But how will they read the book?"

This was were Abode Unlimited showed their wisdom, "Why we will give everyone 
a key to the box, but only if they promise never to left another read the 
book. Now every one will have to buy their own copy of your book."

The scribe were amazed.  This would be very good for business.  "But what 
about those new libraries," they asked?

"Don't work about the libraries," Abode Unlimited said. "They can have their 
own box, but they must rent the key.  Every time they open the box they must 
give us money."

The scribes thought that this was good, but we still uncertain, "What happens 
when someone moves their house?"

"Why then we will take the box back and they will have to buy new books.  
After all, they have already read the old books so there is no hardship."

"What if some else makes a key?" 

We have spoken to the king," said Abode Unlimited. "He has issued a new 
decree.  Anyone who looks into a book box lock to see how it works, or who 
makes or gives away a key to the book box lock, or even who tells people how 
to make a key to the book box lock or how a book box lock works will be 
thrown into the deepest, darkest dungeon until the end of time."

Now the scribes were very happy.  "You will sell all our books said the 
scribes.  You are very smart."

"Yes," said Abode Unlimited.  We call this our "Copy Protection System" for 
the "Abode Unlimited Manuscript Reader."

"But it's not a reader," said one scribe, "it's just a box!"

"Don't worry. The people won't know the difference."

(c) Copyright 2001 Ausage. <ausage at ausage.com>

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