[free-sklyarov] Send your feedback to MEMBERS of the ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PUBLISHERS

James S. Tyre jstyre at jstyre.com
Sun Jul 29 21:24:04 PDT 2001

At 08:20 PM 7/29/2001 -0700, Seth David Schoen wrote:

>There have already been at least two calls for people to contact AAP
>members to let them know what's going on or ask them whether they
>actually support Dmitry Sklyarov's imprisonment.
>One of these calls was from the EFF and the other is mine, and I am
>continuing to keep track of correspondence with publishers:
>I know we've got people in various universities -- come on, write your
>university press, if it's an AAP member.  We have actual grad students
>who could be _publishing_ through these presses sometime soon...

Forget not AAP member Springer-Verlag New York, http://www.springer-ny.com/.

S-V the parent is one of the leading scientific/academic publishers, 
including publishing the proceedings of many prestigious conferences 
sponsored by orgs which, unlike USENIX and ACM for example, aren't big 
enough to self-publish.  Though the parent recently was acquired by 
Bertelsmann, which has not exactly been a big DMCA opponent, there are no 
indications (so far) that S-V has backed away from its commitment to 
publish everything within its rubric which has merit, without regard to the 

In other words, S-V NY is worth working on not only because they are an AAP 
member, but perhaps more important, to help reinforce that they should not 
be changing their own internal publication criteria to something less 
favorable to our more or less collective POV.

James S. Tyre                               mailto:jstyre at jstyre.com
Law Offices of James S. Tyre          310-839-4114/310-839-4602(fax)
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512               Culver City, CA 90230-4969
Co-founder, The Censorware Project             http://censorware.net

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