[free-sklyarov] no quibble with the DMCA

alfee cube sisgeek at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 4 19:01:09 PDT 2001

hummmmm - i get a little lost reading parts of this
article. i go from not not hearing sklyarov, to
burton's press releases, to no quibble with the DMCA
in less than thirty one words!! i know space is at a
premium but, give me a break or some background:)

nice human angle, though:)


i'm just guessing here ... but i do not think we'll be
reading the defense strategy in press releases.

i suspect neither dima nor elcomsoft are particularly
interested in becoming the poster children for
declaring the DMCA (both are probably still trying to
figure out how they went from fbi consultants to DMCA
test cases) unconstitutional. 

however, this does not make the DMCA any more
constitutional in its unconstitutional restrictions on

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